Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to bring the day of my appointment?
- Your insurance card(s).
- Driver’s License or Photo ID.
- A list of your current medications.
- Your co-payment and/ or deductible amount.
- Leave valuables and jewelry at home.
- Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes.
- Plan to arrive at the center 45 minutes prior to the procedure. You should expect a stay of two to three hours total.
- If you’re younger than 18, you must have a parent or guardian accompany you to sign your paperwork. If you are an adult who is unable to sign the consent, you must have someone with you who is authorized to sign on your behalf.
- Bring the name and phone number of the person (must be 16 years or older with a valid driver’s license) who will be taking you home. You will not be permitted to drive, take a taxi alone or leave the center without an adult chaperone.
Will I be put to sleep for my procedure?
Intravenous sedation will be administered to you before and during your procedure. The sedation is intended to keep you comfortable during your endoscopic exam. However, many patients will have no recollection of the procedure because of the “amnesia” effect of the sedatives. The effects of the medication may last as long as 24 hours.
Will I be able to drive home after my test?
Due to the lingering effects of sedatives given to you during your procedure, you will not be permitted to drive after your procedure. You may safely resume driving the morning following your test.
When will I be able to go back to work?
You should prepare to return to your normal work routine on the morning following your procedure. We advise that you not plan to perform any mentally or physically taxing activities for at least 12 hours after completing the exam.
How long does the test take to perform?
Most endoscopic exams are completed in 20 to 30 minutes. However, we also need to prepare you for your procedure as well as recover you from the effects of the sedation following your procedure. Generally, you will spend approximately two hours in our ambulatory surgery center.
Will I have any pain or discomfort after the test?
Colonoscopy is generally a painless procedure. Occasionally, patients will have retained air in the colon that can lead to temporary abdominal distension and cramps following the exam.
Upper Endoscopy (EGD) is generally painless also. You may experience a sore throat after the procedure. This will usually resolve in a day or two. You may want to use a throat lozenge or gargle with warm salt water. You may also experience some gas, abdominal cramping and bloating.
What happens if you find polyps during my colonoscopy?
Because many polyps have cancer potential, they are removed from the colon wall when found during a colonoscopy. Catheter based techniques allow for removal of polyps through the scope.
How often will I need to have a colonoscopy?
The frequency of colonoscopy is determined by an individual’s risk for colon cancer. This is influenced by family history and the presence or absence of colon polyps on your initial or subsequent exams.
When will I know the results of my test?
Your physician will be able to tell you the results of your procedure immediately after the procedure. It will be important for you to have someone with you to hear this information. If biopsies or specimens are taken to submit for pathology, it will take five to seven days to get the results. The physician or nurse will call you with these results as soon as they are reviewed.